Personal Data

Account Deletion Request for Lingo Llama Users

App Name: Lingo Llama

As a user of Lingo Llama, you have the right to request the deletion of your account and associated data. We respect your privacy and are committed to ensuring the secure and timely processing of such requests.

To request the deletion of your Lingo Llama account, please send an email to privacy at lingollama dot net with the subject line “Account Deletion Request.” In your email, please provide the following information:

– The email address associated with your account

Upon receiving your request, our team will verify your identity for security purposes and proceed with the account deletion process.

Data Deletion and Retention

Upon the deletion of your account, the following data will be permanently removed:

– Password
– Email Address

Please note that the deletion of your account is irreversible. Once your account is deleted, you will lose access to all Lingo Llama services, and we will not be able to recover your account or the associated data.

Retention of Non-Personally Identifiable Data

We may retain non-personally identifiable data for analytical purposes. This data does not identify you personally and is used solely to improve the functionality and services of Lingo Llama.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the account deletion process or the data we collect, please contact us at privacy at lingollama dot net.

We value your use of our app and are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your data.